Investor Resources

Life360 is on a mission to bring families closer— and that starts with ensuring that loved ones are safe and secure. That’s why millions of families across 140 countries trust Life360 to keep them connected each day, and in life’s unpredictable moments.

From real-time location sharing and notifications, to driving safety features like Crash Detection and Roadside Assistance, we create tools that remove uncertainty from modern life — so families can feel free, together.

Founded in 2008, Life360 has offices in San Francisco, San Diego, Fort Lauderdale and Las Vegas.

Life360 is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:360).

Our share register is maintained by Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited. Shareholders can view and update holding details, including Tax File Number or ABN, contact details and communications preferences, by visiting the share registry website or calling +61 1300 787 272.

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What is Life360's fiscal year?Collapsed
Who are the auditors for Life360?Collapsed
Who maintains Life360's share register?Collapsed
How can I change my investor details, eg name, address, payment method?Collapsed
How can I obtain a copy of Life360's Annual Report?Collapsed
When are dividends paid?Collapsed
Name: Life360, Inc
Business Description: Providing a location-based services, sharing and notifications application to consumers globally, including integrated driving safety features and tools like Crash Detection and Roadside Assistance.
Business Established: 2007
Listings: Life 360, Inc. (360) is listed on:
The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)Opens in new window

Its securities are listed under
ASX code: 360.

Life360 is a constituent of the S&P/ASX 300 index.
Australian Registered Office: Company Matters
Level 12,
680 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Company Headquarters: 1900 S Norfolk St #310,
San Mateo,
CA 94403
Board of Directors: John Philip Coghlan - Independent Non-Executive Chair of the Board
Chris Hulls - Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
Alex Haro - Non-Executive Director
James Synge - Independent Non-Executive Director
Brit Morin - Independent Non-Executive Director
Mark Goines - Independent Non-Executive Director
Randi Zuckerberg - Independent Non-Executive Director
David Wiadrowski - Independent Non-Executive Director
CJ Prober - Executive Director
Company Secretary: Company Matters
Level 12,
680 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Website: www.life360.comOpens in new window
Auditor: Deloitte
555 Mission St #1400,
San Francisco, CA 94105
Share Registry: Australia
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street,
Abbotsford VIC 3067
1300 787 272


Take it from the people who know best: the members who rely on Life360 to protect their loved ones throughout the day and when stuff happens.